Definitive Guide to Online Marketing for Dentists

Your Website

You probably already have a website for your practice, but does it build trust,
communicate expertise, and have the key elements to encourage prospective
patients to contact your practice?

» Get trust-building content

» Mobile-responsive sites

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What’s the first thing you do when you want to know something, but don’t have the
answer? “Google it.” What is typed into the search bar is the question or “search query,”
and the results below are the answers. If the question is “Dentist in (my area)”,
it is important that your practice’s website is among the answers.

» Get noticed online

» On-page optimization

Social Media

Social networking sites get a lot of lip-service as a marketing tool and a way
to “go viral” among your customers. Countless small businesses have
benefitted from the effort on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
and more. Just what do these sites do for you?

» Get engaged

» Share the right content

Pay Per Click (PPC)

There are several places to purchase online advertising: Facebook ads,
Twitter ads, “display” ads that show up in banners on different sites, and Google AdWords,
which are text-only ads that appear during Google searches. The first three types are
very high-effort, while AdWords offers results at a lower cost with moderate effort.
AdWords is the one PPC platform you need, and the best place to start.

» Build awareness

» Target your patients