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Is it Time to Refresh Your Website Design?

All things evolve over time, and website design trends are no exception. As user preferences change and new technologies emerge, it is inevitable that your website design will need to be updated from time to time.

Even those that were once the most striking websites will eventually need to be refreshed, as styles may become more “common” or simply outdated. In maintaining a professional, high-quality website, it’s important to have a contemporary design while providing user-friendly, simplified navigation. This includes easy-to-read content (using headers, sub-headers, and bullet points when appropriate), clean fonts, cohesive colors, and fast page-loading times. 

Periodically updating your website design can deliver significant advantages:

Conveys the message that your practice is up-to-date. Whereas an outdated website may subconsciously lead patients to believe your practice and techniques are also out of date, maintaining a fresh website can show patients you care about keeping all aspects of your practice cutting-edge.

• Gives you just one more reason to promote your website. When you change your website design, make it known! Encouraging patients to check out your new design is a great way to drive more traffic to your website and further impress your patients.

• Appeals to a broader audience. Everyone enjoys a great looking website. A modern design helps capture the attention of all of your website visitors, regardless of age.

At ProSites, we are committed to providing you with the latest, trend-setting website designs for your practice. All of our doctors receive free, unlimited access to our ever-growing style library, where we frequently add brand new website designs that set the industry standard for excellence.

Using our “point & click” website editor, you can change the entire look of your website within seconds. While many may think that you labored tirelessly for months designing a new website, you can sit back with satisfaction, knowing you updated your design instantly (without spending a dime!).

Impress your patients with an updated look to your website! Be sure to log-in to your ProSites website from time to time and check out the various new site designs we have added to our style library.